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2011-01-09 - Chapter 25 - Final
Thanks for reading Bizarre Uprising. It's been a crazy 8+ years, but I hope you enjoyed the comic. Thanks to all those who were kind to us over the years, you had an impact on us.
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Riding Off Into the Sunrise
So yeah, after 8 years and 10 months (give or take), this is the last page of Bizarre Uprising. Most of that time was pretty fun and cool, and even the parts that weren't fun and cool were a good learning experience. Which is really how I think of BU: one big weird crazy learning experience. I can guarantee that my drawings would have been a whole lot crappier if I hadn't been drawing it practically every week, especially whenever it was full of things that were a pain in the ass to draw (Seriously, that's like the number one tip to drawing, draw stuff that's a pain in the ass!).

Razlo pretty much said all the good mushy stuff already, but like him, I've met and gotten to know all sorts of cool people in person and online through BU, and it's neat that those friendships will last past the end of the comic. You guys are pretty great.

And Razlo has always been an awesome friend, before BU, during BU, and after BU. This whole thing was his idea in the first place, and I'm glad I went along for the ride. It'll be weird not sending him email reminders for the next comic layout this week and the weeks to come.

It was also nice to just be able to do whatever we wanted with this, even though it might not have always gone just as planned. Silly jokes, ultra-violence, sex, utter nonsense, emotions, whatever and whenever the urge struck. Being all over the place made it a whole lot harder to get bored with it, that's for sure.

Now that it's over, I'm still not totally sure what I'll be doing next, but I'll certainly keep drawing stuff, and who knows, maybe someday there will be another comic or something else. If you want to keep track of me, here's links to all my various places I'll be posting on.

My Tumblr will probably be the main base of operations for me in the future (so I finally figured out what to use it for), since I wouldn't want to clutter up the BU page with random junk.

My Twitter, for random dribblings from my brain.

My Facebook, for additional dribblings.!/profile.php?id=1541696219

My Deviant Art account, where I'll obviously be posting art.

I think that's about it actually. Thank you all out there in Internetland for reading our crazy little webcomic. We really appreciate it! LATERS!

posted by Yuji28Go on 2011-01-11 at 17:49:36
Goodbye Old Friend
I know that the decision to have an ending that leaves questions and sets up for some never fulfilled continuation of the story is likely to not be a popular decision with everyone. The purpose is to have viewers theorize and imagine what happens after the page above, which keeps the story alive in their heads. The End for this story, is not the end for these characters and so that's the idea, it makes me feel warm thinking about what they're up to next and I hope you're not terribly upset by this decision.

When I started Bizarre Uprising with Yuji 8+ years ago, I never expected it to last this long, nor did I expect it to have as many readers as it does. It was simply a creative outlet for me, when the job I had didn't allow it.

Years later, a reader of Bizarre Uprising Sean Baptiste would help me get a job in video games at Harmonix. I've been there since and I do believe it's possible I may have never gotten the chance to be in the games industry if not for fate and this comic. I also wouldn't have gotten the chance to talk to or meet some of the people who read this comic and everyone who's e-mailed, sent messages on Twitter or Facebook and met me in person has been incredibly kind. Thanks for giving me a reason to do this for this long and for making me smile.

Not everything went the way I wanted it to with the comic, but then nothing in life does. I'm proud of some of the topics and ideas the comic addresses and how we managed to be ahead of the vampire craze, not created because of it. One of the funniest constants to me through the years, has been the skeptical reader who thinks some of the relationship plots are far fetched. Given that most of the relationship stuff is based on things that happened in my life, I suppose that makes my life unrealistic, which is possibly true.

Yuji has been amazing to work with all this time. He's a great friend of mine and it's not easy for anyone to do anything for this length of time, but we didn't have the heated arguments that many comic teams do, we just worked really well together. I'm happy that despite the comic ending, I'll still have Yuji in my life, but I can be honest in thinking that it will be a little sad to not work with him on a weekly basis going forward. My only hope is that someday we work together on some new project and this time we both get paid for it. ;)

Much like the ending of the comic, it's unclear exactly what's next for me, but I'll keep people updated through Twitter or Facebook. There's obviously the games of Harmonix which I work on, but I'm always trying to do personal projects in my free time and I have one going right now. With any luck, you'll see a game, or some other interactive entertainment from me in the not too distant future.

Goodbye Bizarre Uprising!
posted by Razlo on 2011-01-10 at 08:41:03
vbet giriş istanbul evden eve nakliyat istanbul eşya depolama almanya uluslararası nakliyat uluslararası ev taşıma istanbul ev taşıma evden eve nakliyat istanbul istanbul nakliyat şirketi ev eşyası depolama istanbul depo kiralama gebze evden eve nakliyat eşya depolama
